How to Manage Network Interfaces on Ubuntu server 24.10

To manage network interfaces on Ubuntu Server 24.10, follow these steps:

Use the ip command

Ubuntu 24.10 uses the ip command for managing network interfaces, replacing older tools like ifconfig. This command offers more robust and modern functionality.

Step 1 : Show Network Information with ip addr show

To check the status of all network interfaces, run:

Step 2 : Alternatively, Use ip a for a Shorter Command

You can also use a shorthand version of the above command:

Step 3 : Bring an Interface Down and Up (Example: enp0s3)

To disable (bring down) a network interface, use the following command:

To enable (bring up) the interface again:

Use the ifconfig Command

If you prefer the older ifconfig tool, follow the next steps to install and use it.

Step 4 : Install net-tools

ifconfig is part of the deprecated net-tools package. To install it, run:

Step 5 : Show Network Information with ifconfig

Once installed, you can check network interface details with:

Step 6 : Bring an Interface Down and Up with ifconfig

To bring down the interface enp0s3 using ifconfig:

To bring it back up:

Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to manage network interfaces on Ubuntu Server 24.10 using both the modern ip command and the legacy ifconfig tool.