How to Install PHP 7.4 on Ubuntu 24.10

To install PHP 7.4 on Ubuntu 24.10, follow the steps below.

Step 1 : Update your system

Step 2 : Since ppa:ondrej/php does not officially support non-LTS versions of Ubuntu, follow these steps:

- Add the repository:

- Open the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ondrej-ubuntu-php-oracular.sources and replace "oracular" with "noble".

- Change oracular to noble and save the file.

Step 3 : Update again

Step 4 : Create the file /etc/apt/preferences.d/ondrejphp and add the following code:

Step 5 : Install PHP 7.4 core

Step 6 : Install commonly used extensions (mysql, curl, json, xsl, gd, xml, zip, soap, bcmath, mbstring, gettext, imagick).

Explanation of common extensions:

- mysql: Allows PHP to interact with MySQL databases.

- curl: For making HTTP requests.

- json: To handle JSON data.

- xsl: For working with XSLT transformations.

- gd: For image processing.

- xml: To handle XML data.

- zip: For creating and extracting zip archives.

- soap: For integrating with SOAP-based web services.

- bcmath: For arbitrary precision mathematics.

- mbstring: For multi-byte string handling.

- gettext: For localization support.

- imagick: For advanced image manipulation.

Step 7 : Check the installed PHP version

Congratulations, you have successfully installed PHP 7.4 on Ubuntu 24.10!