To install PHP 8.1 on Ubuntu 24.10, follow the steps below
Step 1 : Run the following command to ensure your system is up to date:
Step 2 : Since ppa:ondrej/php
does not officially support non-LTS versions of Ubuntu, follow these steps:
- Add the Ondřej Surý PPA for PHP:
- Open the source file:
- Find the word "oracular" and replace it with "noble".
- Save and close the file.
Step 3 : Run the update command to reflect the changes:
Step 4 : Create a preference file to ensure compatibility for specific packages:
Add the following content to the file:
Save and close the file.
Step 5 : Install PHP 8.1 and its core components:
Step 6 : Install the necessary PHP extensions:
- mysql: Connect PHP to MySQL databases.
- curl: Enable communication with REST APIs.
- xsl: Work with XML stylesheets.
- gd: For image manipulation.
- common: Includes base PHP libraries.
- xml: Parse XML data.
- zip: Work with zip archives.
- soap: For SOAP-based web services.
- bcmath: For advanced math operations.
- mbstring: Handle multi-byte strings (e.g., UTF-8).
- gettext: Support for translations.
- imagick: Advanced image processing.
Step 7 : Verify the installed PHP version:
Congratulations! You have successfully installed PHP 8.1 on Ubuntu 24.10 along with its essential extensions.