Ubuntu 22.10 Guides

Ubuntu 22.10, with the codename "Kinetic Kudu" is a version of the Ubuntu operating system released on October 20, 2022. It is a regular release and follows the six-month release cycle of Ubuntu.

Table of Contents


How to Install Ubuntu 22.10 Server


LAMP stack

LEMP stack

How to install and configure nginx on ubuntu 22.10

How to Install PHP for Nginx on ubuntu 22.10




How to install Composer on Ubuntu Server 22.10

Container Platform

How to install docker on ubuntu server 22.10


It's important to note that Ubuntu 22.10 is a non-LTS (Long-Term Support) release, meaning it is supported for a shorter period compared to LTS releases. Ubuntu 22.10 is supported for nine months until July 2023, after which it is recommended to upgrade to a newer release or consider using an LTS version for longer-term stability and support.