How to Install PM2 in Ubuntu 23.10

To install PM2 on Ubuntu 23.10, follow these steps:

Step 1 : To install PM2 on Ubuntu 23.10, use npm:

Step 2 : Run the following command to set up PM2 to start on boot:

Step 3 : Build a simple Node.js app. You can create a file named app.js with the following content:

Step 4 : Start the app using PM2:

Step 5 : Manage the app with PM2 using the following commands:

- Restart: pm2 restart my-app

- Reload: pm2 reload my-app

- Stop: pm2 stop my-app

- Delete: pm2 delete my-app

Congratulations! You have successfully installed PM2 on Ubuntu 23.10, built and started a Node.js app.