How To Install Docker on Ubuntu 23.10

Installing Docker on Ubuntu 23.10 is a straightforward process. Docker allows you to package, distribute, and run applications in containers. Here are the steps to install Docker on Ubuntu 23.10:

Step 1 : Update the package index:

Step 2 : Install prerequisites:

Step 3 : Add the Docker GPG key:

Step 4 : Add the Docker APT repository:

Step 5 : Update the package index again:

Step 6 : Install Docker:

Step 7 : Verify the installation:

You can check if Docker is installed and running by running the following command:

This should display the installed Docker version.

Step 8 : Verify Docker Compose is installed correctly:

Step 9 : Test Docker with a simple container:

You can test your Docker installation by running a simple container:

This command downloads a test image and runs a container that prints a "Hello from Docker!" message.

Congratulations! You've successfully installed Docker on Ubuntu 23.10.