How to Install Node.js on Ubuntu 23.10

To install Node.js on Ubuntu 23.10, follow these steps:

Step 1 : Update

Before installing Node.js, update the package lists to ensure you have the latest information:

Step 2 : Install Dependencies

Install the required dependencies for adding repositories and downloading packages:

Step 3 : Import GPG Key

Import the GPG key for the Node.js repository:

Step 4 : Add Node.js Repository

Add the Node.js repository to your package sources:

Step 5 : Update Again

After adding the Node.js repository, update the package lists again:

Step 6 : Install Node.js and npm

Install Node.js and npm using the package manager:

Step 7 : Verify the Installation

Check the installed versions of Node.js and npm to verify that the installation was successful:

Now you have Node.js and npm installed on your Ubuntu 23.10 system. You can start using Node.js to run JavaScript applications on your machine.