How to set up Apache virtual host on Ubuntu 23.04

To install and configure Apache virtual host on Ubuntu 23.04, follow the steps below.

Step 1 : Update

Begin by updating your package list to ensure you have the latest information about available packages.

Step 2 : Install Apache2

If Apache is not already installed, install it using the following command:

Step 3 : Create Web Directory

Create a directory to store your website files. Replace "/var/www/example" with the desired path.

Step 4 : Create index.html

Create a simple HTML file to serve as the default content.

Add some content to the file:

Save and exit the editor.

Step 5 : Set Permissions

Ensure the web directory has the correct permissions.

Step 6 : Create Virtual Host Configuration

Create a new Apache configuration file for your virtual host.

Add the following content, adjusting paths and information as needed:

Save and exit the editor.

Step 7 : Enable the Virtual Host

Enable the virtual host configuration you just created.

Step 8 : Test Configuration and Restart Apache

Test the configuration for syntax errors.

If there are no errors, restart Apache.

Step 9 : Visit the Test Web Domain

Open your web browser and visit the domain you set in your virtual host configuration (e.g.,

Congratulations! You have successfully set up and configured an Apache virtual host on Ubuntu 23.04. Your website should now be accessible at the specified domain.