How to Configure SSL for Nginx on Ubuntu 23.04

To configure SSL for Nginx on Ubuntu 23.04, follow these steps:

Step 1 : Update

Begin by updating your system using the following command:

Step 2 : Install OpenSSL

If OpenSSL is not already installed, install it using the following command:

Step 3 : Generate SSL

Generate SSL certificates and private key using OpenSSL. Replace '' with your domain:

Step 4 : Configure Nginx for SSL

Create an Nginx configuration file for your domain. Open the file in a text editor, e.g., nano:

Add the SSL configuration:

Step 5 : Enable Nginx Configuration

Create a symbolic link to enable the Nginx configuration:

Step 6 : Test Configuration

Test your Nginx configuration for any syntax errors:

Step 7 : Restart Nginx

Restart Nginx to apply the changes:

Step 8 : Visit the Domain

Access your domain (e.g., in a web browser. Ignore any security warnings.

Congratulations! You have successfully configured SSL for Nginx on Ubuntu 23.04. Your website is now secured with SSL encryption.