How To Install phpMyAdmin With Nginx on Ubuntu 23.04

To install phpMyAdmin with Nginx on Ubuntu 23.04, follow these steps:

Step 1 : Update

Step 2 : Install phpMyAdmin

Web server selection: Choose None

Configure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common: Yes

MySQL application password for phpmyadmin: Enter your desired password

Password confirmation: Confirm the password

Step 3 : Create Nginx Configuration for phpMyAdmin

Paste the following configuration:

Step 4 : Enable the Nginx Configuration

Step 5 : Test Nginx Configuration

Step 6 : Restart Nginx

Step 7 : Access phpMyAdmin

Open your web browser and navigate to

Log in with your MySQL username and password that you use to access the MySQL database server.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and configured phpMyAdmin with Nginx on Ubuntu 23.04.