How to Install vsftpd FTP Server on AlmaLinux 9

To set up an FTP server on AlmaLinux 9, follow these steps:

Step 1 : Update the System

Before installing vsftpd, update your system packages:

Step 2 : Install vsftpd

Install the vsftpd package using:

Step 3 : Enable and Start vsftpd

Once the installation is complete, enable and start the service:

Step 4 : Check vsftpd Status

Verify that vsftpd is running properly:

Step 5 : Configure vsftpd

Edit the vsftpd configuration file to disable anonymous access and allow local users to upload files:

Modify or add the following lines:

Save the file and exit.

Step 6 : Restart vsftpd

Apply the changes by restarting vsftpd:

Step 7 : Create an FTP User

Add a new FTP user:

Step 8 : Set a Password for the FTP User

Assign a password for the FTP user:

Step 9 : Configure Firewall (If Enabled)

If the firewall is active, allow FTP traffic:

Step 10 : Configure SELinux (If Enabled)

If SELinux is enabled, apply the following commands:

Step 11 : Test FTP Connection

- Open an FTP Client (e.g., FileZilla)

- Add a New Site : Go to File > Site Manager, then New Site.

- Configure the Connection

Host: Enter the server's IP address.

Port: Use 21 (default FTP port).

Protocol: Select FTP.

Logon Type: Choose Normal.

User: Enter the FTP username.

Password: Enter the assigned password.

- Click Connect to test the FTP access.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up an FTP server using vsftpd on AlmaLinux 9