How to Install and Use rsync on AlmaLinux 9

To install and use rsync on AlmaLinux 9, follow these steps.

Step 1 : Update Your System

Before installing rsync, update your system packages by running:

Step 2 : Install rsync

Install rsync using the following command:

Once installed, you can verify it with:

Step 3 : Copying Files Locally

To copy files from one directory to another on the same system:

The -a flag preserves file attributes, and -v enables verbose mode.

Step 4 : Uploading to a Remote Server

To upload files to a remote server:

Replace user with your remote username and remote-server with the server's IP or hostname.

Step 5 : Downloading from a Remote Server

To download files from a remote server to your local machine:

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and used rsync on AlmaLinux 9.