How to Install PHP 8.4 on AlmaLinux 9

To install PHP 8.4 on AlmaLinux 9, follow these steps:

Step 1 : Update System Packages

Before installing PHP, update your system to ensure all packages are up to date:

Step 2 : Import PHP Remi Repository

The Remi repository provides the latest PHP versions. Install it using the following command:

Step 3 : Check Available PHP Modules

Run the following command to list available PHP versions in the Remi repository:

Step 4 : Enable PHP 8.4 Remi Repository

Enable the PHP 8.4 module from the Remi repository:

Step 5 : Install PHP 8.4 Core Packages

Now, install PHP 8.4 and essential components:

Step 6 : Install Commonly Used PHP Extensions

To enhance PHP functionality, install the following extensions:

- mysqlnd – Enables MySQL database connectivity.

- curl – Allows PHP to communicate with external APIs.

- gd – Required for image processing.

- mcrypt – Provides encryption functionalities.

- json – Enables JSON data handling.

- pear – PHP package manager.

- common – Standard PHP libraries.

- xml – XML processing support.

- zip – Handles ZIP archives.

- devel – Development files for compiling extensions.

- xsl – XSLT support for XML transformations.

- soap – Enables SOAP-based web services.

- bcmath – Arbitrary precision mathematics.

- mbstring – Multibyte string support.

- gettext – Internationalization support.

- imagick – Image manipulation using ImageMagick.

Step 7 : Verify Installation

Check the installed PHP version to confirm the installation:

Congratulations! You have successfully installed PHP 8.4 on AlmaLinux 9.