How to Install PHP 8.4 for Nginx on AlmaLinux 9

To install PHP 8.4 on AlmaLinux 9 for Nginx, follow the steps below:

Step 1 : Update System

Before installing PHP, ensure your system is up to date:

Step 2 : Import PHP Remi Repository

PHP 8.4 is available through the Remi repository. Install it with:

Step 3 : Check Available PHP Modules

List the available PHP versions using:

Step 4 : Enable PHP 8.4 from Remi Repository

Enable the PHP 8.4 module:

Step 5 : Install PHP Core

Install PHP and its core components:

Step 6 : Install Common PHP Extensions

To ensure proper functionality, install commonly used extensions:

- php-fpm – FastCGI Process Manager, required for Nginx.

- php-cli – Allows running PHP scripts via the command line.

- php-mysqlnd – MySQL Native Driver for PHP.

- php-curl – Enables PHP to send HTTP requests.

- php-gd – Image processing extension.

- php-mcrypt – Encryption and decryption functionality.

- php-json – JSON data handling.

- php-xml – XML processing.

- php-zip – Zip archive support.

- php-bcmath – Arbitrary precision mathematics.

- php-mbstring – Multi-byte string handling.

- php-gettext – Translation support for internationalization.

- php-imagick – Image processing via ImageMagick.

Step 7 : Configure PHP-FPM for Nginx

Edit the PHP-FPM configuration file:

Find the following lines and change apache to nginx:

Save and exit (CTRL+X, then Y and Enter).

Step 8 : Enable and Start PHP-FPM

Step 9 : Verify PHP Installation

Check the installed PHP version:

Step 10 : Configure Nginx to Use PHP

Edit the Nginx configuration for your domain:

Add the following block inside the server block:

Save and exit.

Step 11 : Test Nginx Configuration

Check for syntax errors:

Step 12 : Restart Nginx

Apply the changes by restarting Nginx:

Step 13 : Test PHP

Create an info.php file in your website's root directory:

Step 14 : Access PHP Info Page

Open your browser and visit:

If you see the PHP information page, PHP is successfully configured.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and configured PHP 8.4 with Nginx on AlmaLinux 9.