How To Install NVM on AlmaLinux 9

To install NVM (Node Version Manager) on AlmaLinux 9, follow these steps.:

Step 1 : Update Your System

Before installing NVM, ensure your system is up to date by running the following command:

Step 2 : Download and Install NVM

Download and install the latest NVM version from the official repository. Check for the latest release at NVM GitHub. Then, run:

Replace v0.40.2 with the latest version if necessary.

Step 3 : Load Environment Variables

To apply the changes, reload your shell configuration:

Step 4 : Verify NVM Installation

Confirm that NVM is installed by running:

Step 5 : Using NVM

Here are some basic commands to manage Node.js with NVM:

- Install a specific Node.js version

- Use a specific version

- Set a default Node.js version

- Check the current Node.js version

- List all installed Node.js versions

Congratulations! You have successfully installed NVM on AlmaLinux 9.