To install Yarn on CentOS Stream 10, follow the steps below.
Using NPM
Step 1 : Before installing Yarn, ensure that you have NPM and Node.js installed. Run the following commands to verify their versions:
If you don't have them installed, first set up Node.js on your system.
Step 2 : Once NPM is installed, you can install Yarn globally with:
Step 3 : After installation, confirm Yarn is properly installed by checking its version:
Using DNF
Step 4 : Before proceeding, ensure your system is up to date:
Step 5 : Use the following command to add Yarn's official repository:
Step 6 : Confirm that the Yarn package is available in the added repository:
Step 7 : Install Yarn using the command:
Step 8 : Check the installed version of Yarn:
Congratulations! You have successfully installed Yarn on CentOS Stream 10.