How to Install Usermin on CentOS Stream 10

To Install Usermin on CentOS Stream 10, follow these steps:

Step 1 : Before installing Usermin, ensure your system is up-to-date with the latest packages. Run the following commands:

Step 2 : You need to configure the Webmin repository to install Usermin. Use the following command:

Step 3 : Now, you can install Usermin using the following command:

Step 4 : If SELinux is enabled on your system, you need to configure it to allow Usermin to work properly. Run the following commands:

Step 5 : Once installation and configuration are complete, restart Usermin to apply changes:

Step 6 : To complete the setup, run the Usermin configuration script:

Step 7 : If you have a firewall enabled, open the necessary port for Usermin:

Step 8 : Check the status of Usermin to ensure it's running:

Step 9 : You can now access Usermin from your web browser by navigating to:

Step 10 : Login to Usermin using your system username and password.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and configured Usermin on CentOS Stream 10.