How To Install MariaDB on CentOS Stream 10

To install it on CentOS Stream 10, follow the steps below:

Step 1 : Before installing any software, ensure your system is updated by running the following commands:

Step 2 : Install the MariaDB server package by executing:

Step 3 : Start the MariaDB service and enable it to start on boot:

Step 4 : Secure MariaDB

- Run the MariaDB security script to enhance its security:

- Enter current root password: Press Enter (leave it blank if not set).

- Switch to unix_socket authentication: Type y and press Enter.

- Change the root password: Type y and press Enter, then set a secure password.

- Change the root password - choose 'y'.

- Remove anonymous users: Type y and press Enter.

- Disallow root login remotely: Type y and press Enter.

- Remove test database and access to it: Type y and press Enter.

- Reload privilege tables now: Type y and press Enter.

Step 5 : Verify that MariaDB is running:

Step 6 : Log in to the MariaDB shell using the root account:

Step 7 : Inside the MariaDB shell, create a new administrative user and grant all privileges:

Replace your_password with a strong password.

Exit the MariaDB shell:

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and secured MariaDB on CentOS Stream 10.