To install WordPress on CentOS Stream 10 using the LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB, and PHP), follow these steps:
Step 1 : Install LEMP Stack
If you don't have the LEMP stack installed on your system, follow the guide CentOS Stream 10 to set up Nginx, MariaDB, and PHP.
Step 2 : Create a Database
- Log in to MariaDB as root:
- Create a new database for WordPress:
- Create a new user and grant permissions:
Step 3 : Download and Install WordPress
- Create the directory for your site:
- Navigate to the directory:
- Download the latest version of WordPress:
- Extract the archive:
- Move the WordPress files to the desired location:
- Set the correct permissions:
Step 4 : Configure Nginx
- Open the configuration file for your domain:
Step 5 : Add the following configuration:
Step 6 : Test Configuration and Restart Nginx
- Test the Nginx configuration:
- Restart Nginx to apply changes:
Step 7 : Run the following command to adjust SELinux permissions:
Step 8 : Complete the WordPress Installation
- Open your web browser and visit:
- Click Let's Go! to begin the setup.
- Enter your database details
- f the details are correct, click Run the Installation.
- Enter your WordPress site information
- Then, click Install WordPress.
Step 9 : Log in to WordPress using the admin credentials you set.
Step 10 : Navigate to the WordPress Dashboard to manage your site.
Congratulations! You have successfully installed WordPress with LEMP on CentOS Stream 10.