How To Set Up Django with uWSGI, PostgreSQL and Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04

We will install Django and all the components that are needed for Nginx and Django to be able to communicate.

Install the Packages

Step 1 : Install the Packages from the Ubuntu repositories

Setting up Django

Step 2 : Upgrade pip and install the package by typing

Step 3 : Create a new Django Project

Using PostgreSQL

Step 4 :Let's create a PostgreSQL user a new database with the following command:

Step 5 : Then, edit the file and modify the DATABASES setting to make it look as follows:

Step 6 : The new database is empty. Run the following command to apply all database migrations:

Step 7 : Finally, create a superuser with the following command:

Test your project

Step 8 : Edit the settings file of your project and change the ALLOWED_HOSTS setting, as follows:

Step 9 : you can test our your project by starting up the Django development server with this command:

Step 10 : To see the result, we must open our browser and enter the following URL: http://{domin_or_ip}:8080

Step 11 : hit CTRL-C in the terminal window to shut down the development server.

Configuring uWSGI

Step 12 : You can run uWSGI from the command line. Open the shell and run the following command:

Step 13 : uWSGI allows you to define a custom configuration in a .ini file. This is more convenient than passing options through the command line. Create the following file structure inside the global myproject/uwsgi.ini directory:

Step 14 : Now, you can run uWSGI with your custom configuration using this command:

You will not be able to access your uWSGI instance from your browser now, since it's running through a socket. Let's complete the production environment.

Configuring NGINX

Step 15 : For running this Django site, you will need to add the following configuration

Step 16 : To run uWSGI in the background, run the following:

Step 17 : Reload NGINX with the following command:

Deploying static files

Step 18 : First of all you have to edit myproject/ adding:

Step 19 : And then run

Step 20 : Open {domin_or_ip}/admin in your browser. You should see the following screen:

Step 21 : Edit the